Lord, Teach us to Pray...(Three Tips to Strengthen your Prayer Life)
I saw a hilarious comic posted on Facebook describing what it would sound like if we were to speak to our friends the same way many of us...
Each Life Matters
This morning, I spent hours researching all the candidates for this upcoming primary election. As I reflected and prayed through this...
If your hand causes you to sin, CUT IT OFF?!?!
Before St. Augustine’s conversion into the Catholic faith, he was enslaved by his passions for sex, drinking, food, partying, and other...
What do you seek?
The daily reading today came from John 6:22-29. The crowd that Jesus had just fed through His miracle of the multiplication of loaves...
Mission POSSIBLE, a reflection on the Annunciation
Today, we, the Church, celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord which is where Angel Gabriel appears to the young Mary and...
Published with LifeTeen: God, why the Long Wait?!
Why does God seem to take forever in answering our prayers? We pray and we pray and we pray and we pray, but it's like He doesn't even...
Pray without ceasing? How does That work?! 1 Thessalonians 5:17
"Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus" (1...